General Manager
Civil Electrical Engineer PUCV
Master in Business Law UAI
Aldo Celis is an expert in construction risks, with 18 years of specialization in Execution and Consulting in Construction Projects in the energy, mining, public service, cellulose and infrastructure industries. In the last 8 years, he has led services in Disputes and Claims, Technical Audits and Consulting in Major Capital Projects in all the phases of the life cycle, in countries that include: Chile, Uruguay and Peru, for Employers as well as Contractors.
aldo.celis@bufferchile.clCommercial Manager
Civil Engineer PUC
Master in Business Law UAI
Gonzalo Rivera has 20 years of specialization in Management, Execution and Consulting in Project Administration and Contracts in the Construction industry. He has wide experience in risk management, contract management and forensic services for the resolution of disputes. He has participated counseling large investment projects for clients in different industries, including: energy, mining, paper and cellulose, industrial and public infrastructure, mainly.
gonzalo.rivera@bufferchile.clGeneral Manager
Civil Electrical Engineer PUCV
Master in Business Law UAI
Aldo Celis is an expert in construction risks, with 18 years of specialization in Execution and Consulting in Construction Projects in the energy, mining, public service, cellulose and infrastructure industries. In the last 8 years, he has led services in Disputes and Claims, Technical Audits and Consulting in Major Capital Projects in all the phases of the life cycle, in countries that include: Chile, Uruguay and Peru, for Employers as well as Contractors.
aldo.celis@bufferchile.clCommercial Manager
Civil Engineer PUC
Master in Business Law UAI
Gonzalo Rivera has 20 years of specialization in Management, Execution and Consulting in Project Administration and Contracts in the Construction industry. He has wide experience in risk management, contract management and forensic services for the resolution of disputes. He has participated counseling large investment projects for clients in different industries, including: energy, mining, paper and cellulose, industrial and public infrastructure, mainly.
gonzalo.rivera@bufferchile.clWe are a Chilean consulting and engineering company formed in 2012, with the objective of providing comprehensive support to project design, evaluation and management in construction, including dispute resolution, in sectors of the industry such as: Mining, Energy (Generation, Transmission and Distribution), Cellulose, Infrastructure and Industrial.
Our experience supporting clients in the execution of large projects, national level benchmarks, has allowed us to capitalize this experience in wide market knowledge, generating standardized management processes, administration and control, which incorporate lessons learned and best industry practices, such as continuous improvement to adapt our services to the changing market needs, focusing mainly on risk and cost mitigation for our clients.
– Create long term trust relationships through a close collaboration and accompaniment with our Clients.
– Generate value in our work team, providing them continuously with the tools to promote their development.
– Our responsibility is to preserve and protect our surroundings in a sustainable and ethical manner.
Our team has over 50 professionals and consultants experienced in diverse services and projects, with comprehensive support of our permanent staff collaborators in our main office.
Our team has experienced Construction Managers, specialized Engineers, programmers, contract administrators, among others, that perform, support and/or consult in all the processes of the life cycle of the projects, from the pre-feasibility phase to the closure of the construction contracts.
Buffer has an integrated management system ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and OHSAS 18001:2007 in “Administration, Management, and Consulting in Projects and Engineering and Construction Contracts; Auditing and Technical Inspection of Works”.